Peer Review Process

International Journal of Innovative Research in Sciences and Engineering Studies (IJIRSES) follows a double blind peer review process (Both the reviewer and the author are anonymous), to ensure editorial decision making. The peer review process for journal publication is essentially a quality control mechanism. Peer review is the system used to assess the quality of a manuscript before it is published.

In this peer review process the reviewer will analyze the submitted research work from every angle like originality, quality, standards, technical content, documentation, and significance to the journals scope.

The review report may result in any one of the following suggestions, depend on the quality of submission.

  1. Accept for immediate publication
  2. Accept with minor corrections/Accept with major changes
  3. Reject

If reviewer suggest minor/major corrections, then the author has to correct the article according to comments in review. And send it back the revised article within given time for smooth publishing process.